Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First tummy attempt on hard floor

Almost fall in his left as he pushed himself up too high. Gonna to be daily round of push up for Kyler.

The blank stare

... as he slowly drift off to slumberland.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Power Nap

Kyler can sleep long hours and likes to take power naps. His power nap can sometimes be as short as 5 minutes. Then he either wake up and smile at you or cry until he finds something to latch on.  And he keeps waking up this morning until I need to move him to the bouncer in our living room and rock him whenever he  made little noises.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Search for the 'pacifier'

No pacifier for Kyler, just like his big brother and sister. Everyday, he will frantically search for it. Sometimes he hits jackpot and manages to find his treasure possession. Yummy, fingers' kicking real good.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Almost sleeping through the night

Kyler is almost sleeping through the night.  For these few nights, he is drinking lesser and sleeping longer. Hope that restful nights will last longer for us.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Morning exercise

All smiley Kyler at 2 months old

Kyler likes to smile and babble to anyone especially to his daddy. Coupled with his amusingly funny little sounds, Kyler makes such a joyful company.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Kyler is 2 months old

Dear Kyler
Thank you for coming into our life. Just two months old, you have already bring us much joy with your smiles and those funny sounds you made, even when you are asleep. You never fail to amaze us.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Kyler at CNY visit to grandparent's place

Oops. We forgot to change his diaper and Kyler wet his clothes. Sexy Kyler donning his overall as I also forgot to bring extra clothes. :p