Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fever again ...

It has been a hectic week working nonstop. Morning wake up at 630am and do nothing but work. Then send children off to childcare centres, back to workplace, work nonstop till 1pm. Express station stop 2. Quick lunch and then back to work. Express station stop 3. Bring kids back home. Work and eat till 10pm. Gosh.. 9 days only but seems to be 9 weeks. Why am I working here? Post GE, Kyler had fever again. Then its me. Heidi also cough quite badly. Its one after another.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

More teeth sprouting out at 8th month

With the bottom front tooth out already and two upper front tooth sprouted, another two are sighted and coming along the way. Kyler is chewing anything everything.

Kyler can crawl

So proud of him

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ouch, that hurts!

This is exactly what happens these days during a feed.

I beat Kyler's bum when he did his acrobat stunts yesterday. Heidi watched what I did to Kyler and felt heartache. She ran to Oliver to share that Kyler was beaten.

Next thing that happened, Oliver ran to Kyler and asked tenderly "are you okay?".

Kyler just looked back at Oliver expressionless. Hey... shouldn't you ask your mommy? So I replied Oliver that I am not ok, it hurts.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Push up

Kyler has been creeping around our bed last week, and prone to falling off the bed. But his guardian angels, Oliver and Heidi make sure that doesnt happen. Can't wait to see Kyler crawl.